Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why do we need God ?

"Whatever may be the position of philosophy, whatever may be the position of metaphysics, so long as there is such a thing as death in the world, so long as there is such a thing as weakness in the human heart, so long as there is a cry going out of the heart of man in his very weakness, there shall be a faith in God." - Swami Vivekananda

Why do we need God ? The chance factor in life is mind boggling. To think of it, there are so many things which are beyond our control.  The uncertainties of life are beyond our grasp. So much so that we don't even think about them. And the biggest uncertainty of all is how it will all end? And what after that? It is for these very reasons that we need God. We need him not as an answer to the uncertainties but as an assurance that the answers will be sought. And we need him most when we became aware of these uncertainties. And when we feel helpless in the circumstances  around us, in our moments of weakness.

I myself remember God from exams to exams. And sometimes before an important presentation or a meeting. And sometimes when I am anxious. To think of it, its hypocritical. But I guess, hypocrisy is as inherent a trait of human beings as is selfishness.


Unknown said...

After reading this, I was wondering how do you still believe in God?

Ankit said...

I will give answer to this question in my next post.

Spontaneous said...

‎"Whatever may be the position of philosophy, whatever may be the position of metaphysics, so long as there is such a thing as death in the world, so long as there is such a thing as weakness in the human heart, so long as there is a cry going out of the heart of man in his very weakness, there shall be a faith in God." - After reading this if you are still wondering about belief in God, you are very adamant. Because I know that you have enough intelligence to understand the meaning.

Sauc said...

"God is a concept by which we measure our pain".
--John Lennon.